Tuesday, March 31, 2015

#13 Take this test

We need to do know more about our body.  I honestly thought I was Endomorph, but when I took the test it said I am a Mesomorph.  When reading the definition, its true.  I can gain muscle mass really fast and I have to focus more on cardio which is totally boring to me.  My numbers though were the same for those two.

Endomorph: 25%
Mesomorph: 38%
Ectomorph: 38%

There are three main body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. You can be a combination of body types, but will predominantly be one over the other.
These body types are general groupings of body make-ups, as well as muscle and fat storage and distribution.

An ectomorph is characterized by long and thin muscles and limbs, naturally thin with lower fat storage and a have a harder time putting on muscle.
A mesomorph is characterized by larger bones, a solid torso, wide shoulders, trim waist and controlled body fat levels who typically puts on muscle easily.
An endomorph is characterized by increased fat storage, wider waist and larger bone structure who typically gains weight easily.


This is me:

You are primarily a

You have a naturally fit body but, to maintain or improve it, you should adopt an exercise and diet regimen that compliments your build. You can strength train more often and for longer periods of time, but be careful not to overdo it. Train with moderate to heavy weighs and keep a moderate pace, making sure not to rest too long between sets. You'll find you gain muscle quite easily. Don't fear; you won't get "bulky." When you're happy with your muscle size, simply train to maintain. Stick to a good, healthy diet to stay lean and muscular, and watch for any slow-creeping fat gains. Engage in and enjoy aerobic activities, but be careful not to overdo it.

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