Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My new lesson, my new goal!

I catch myself at times finding myself really dumb.  I know there is no way that I will ever know everything or even come close to it, but yet, I stop at times and I tell God, "God, I think I'm ready to move to the next chapter, I'm pretty sure I've learned everything in this one".  Then God chuckles up in Heaven and then I'm sure a big grin comes across His face and then {BAM} God shows me I'm wrong and that there is yet another lesson to prepare me for my future.

Okay....maybe He's not that harsh, but in reality God is really gentle with me and lays things on my heart and gets me all excited!  If you didn't know I went to college for Accounting and Bookkeeping. In fact I even did it in High School for fun as a credit and also worked at a school where I was responsible for all the Income/Expenses and was the Treasurer for the School Board for 8 years.  So yet, I found myself dumbfounded when God laid on my heart to calculate my credit card bills.  Mine and my grandfathers income and expenses come out of the same bank account.  When I calculated our credit card bills and compared it to our living expenses, they exceeded the living expenses.  I was so upset at myself that I didn't know, but also excited that God has given me the wisdom and drive to pay them off. 

I know God doesn't like debt and I know living in this world, you will somehow be in some form of debt whether its your mortgage or your car, but extra can be foolish.  This isn't going to be easy and I pray that nothing comes in the way to distract me to pay this off and that I have the ability too.  I will be needing a new vehicle soon and I want to be able to pay for it every month and still be okay with bills.  If I didn't have any credit card debt I would be just fine.  God also laid on my heart that His plans are better than my plans and His ways are better than my ways and the fact that I am now working on my debt is something that I am very thankful for.  God likes to work on us one step at a time and last year it was my inner and outer self and now God is preparing me to be a better wife to my future husband.  I would hate to go into a marriage with so much debt and burdening him with it.

I am just very honored and grateful God has given me this time to work on myself and my faults and weaknesses.  I found out that there are some that I didn't even know I had, but Gods grace and love has shown me that there is nothing too big to overcome with His help, even my pile of finances.  I have trust and faith that with Gods help and direction and also my ability to listen and make right financial choices that I will one day be debt free or even close to it.  

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