Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today I got a surprise!!!

Today started as any other original Tuesday (my Friday).  I got up, put on my make-up, curled my hair, cooked me lunch and listened to my sermons.  My grandpa and I pray together most days about having safe travels, blessings, praise and anything else that comes across our minds before I leave.  As I'm walking out to get in my car, I noticed there was something on the hood/windshield of my car.

A dozen white roses, with a note that said Rachel.

Thoughts of confusion started to run through my mind.  I looked around and didn't see anyone.  I started thinking of people who have came into my life recently and people from the past.  I didn't really have time to think, but took the note with me to try and decipher the handwriting.  I was just blown away while driving, who this could be from.  I know that my ex-husband is the only person who knew that my favorite was white dozen roses, and he had bought them for me a few times,  but I knew it wasn't him.  I opened up the card all it said was this:  Zephaniah 3:17, from your Heavenly Father.

I started to think what was Zephaniah!!?? I assumed it was a book from the Bible, but I don't know why, it just wasn't ringing a bell to me.  (All those years of private school, ha)  I'm trying to google and drive (not smart) and it wasn't loading....of course not!  I get to work, walk in and tell my co-workers and so they get excited (women of course) and start googling Zephaniah 3:17.  
The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."
One of them pulls it up and stares at it and says, that's not romantic.  I was just glad it was a book from the Bible.  Then I start looking at the card more and I thought, I don't know any man who puts a slash through their 7's.  I start texting a couple of friends who I think it might be and then I got a hit!  One of my dear friends told me this:   The Lord laid that on my heart last week that He wanted to give you roses....I was just the vessel.  That's from your husband.

I instantly felt loved from God.  My God who pursues ME!! Who loves ME!!  Who is romancing Me!! Who is sweeping ME off MY feet!!  I don't deserve anything from Him and yet He loves me so much that He wanted to give me roses.....just because!  I think that's what He wanted all along in my life.  I was always thinking that it was a mans job to do those things, but God wanted me to see that He can do way more than what any man can.  He provides for me, protects me, comforts me, helps me, encourages me, blesses me, guides me and everything else!!  A man can and will do that one day, but not like how God the creator can!!  Not like how God who made ME can!!  Maybe this is my lesson all along, for me to allow God to romance me to where He is all I want and need and then He will place that hunk-of-a man-of-mine into my life!
One of my prayer requests this week was: I want my eyes to be so much on God that God will have to show me my future husband when its time.  Until then, I want my God to be my husband.  I want to be His bride!

Isaiah 54:5  
For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called. 

So for my friend to pick out the dozen white roses, not knowing that was my favorite, I know was a God thing. 

To my Dear friend:
My dear friend, 
Thank you for listening to Him and going out of your way to purchase and taking the time to give them to me.  I hope God pours abundant blessings on and in your life!!  Thank you for allowing God to use you to make me feel that much more special from God.  I love you and I'm glad your part of my life!


1 comment:

  1. thats the most beautiful thing ever..now you know he will do anything to put a smile on ur face
