Sunday, March 1, 2015

Stepping out in faith....Part 2

I wrote part 1, before God was just AWESOME and showed me what happens walking with Him and walking in faith does.  I want to share my little story over the past few days.  Ill be explaining people as A, B, C etc to not confuse anyone.  

On Monday I texted my preachers wife to see if they needed any volunteers to watch some little kids on Thursday because a bunch of moms get together and share about Jesus (MOPS).  A few weeks ago on our Wednesday class she mentioned it and asked if anyone could that would be great and the following Thursday I had plans already and I couldn't attend but God never let me forget it.  So because I wasn't a member I needed to fill out an application, which I totally understand and while we were texting I asked if she could pray for me to join the church.  I mentioned in part 1 where I kept waiting on God to pretty much come down and shine His heavenly light on me and make a flashing sign with his booming voice for direction.....okay maybe not that extravagant, but looking back I pretty much think I felt that way!  God himself directed me there physically when my GPS didn't work and I do believe I have a blog post on that (CLICK HERE TO READ THAT POST) and I have loved everyone there and have enjoyed growing there as I started going on Sunday with my lifegroup and also church service to now in a woman's group on Wednesday.  Those doors I guess wernt open wide enough for me to see.  
I had asked my grandpa to pray for something specific a week or so ago and when my grandpa was honest with me and told me that he never heard anything and neither did I, its like something clicked.  I know I am walking the path God wants me too, I know I'm trying to obey him in everything that I'm doing, so why cant I hear him?  Then I was told by my preacher and even heard it other places that when you are walking so close to God, you don't need to hear Him, you know because you are in His will.  I remember one time praying for something and God told me NO, because I was going too do it and He didn't want me too.  

I've been really trying to spend time with God and I've been talking to Him as if He is in the room with me.  I turn everything off and just lay there and joke with Him and cry with Him and laugh with Him.  I've been praying for some people to come up to me and start talking to me at church because for some bizarre reason I've been quiet and kinda shy.  Well on Wednesday night person A asked me what my name was and we started to chat.  Person B came and sat next to her and I asked her a question on some products that she sells.  After the class I go up to my preachers wife and I gave her the application and if I could join.  We went into the office and it turns out that I know alot of the preachers family and friends, small world, but while I was in there person C invites me to a Home Bible Study.  At first I was a little skeptical because of the unknown in not knowing anyone and something new (those doors though, the ones you pray for and yet they are given to you but you don't want to walk through them in fear).  I took the information and was a little excited but still in my head weighing it out.  

The next morning I go to church and watch nine 2 years olds and I had so much fun and learned alot about that age.  The lady that I was helping with and I took them into another room to play.  While we were in there another class came in and Person D and I started to talk and ask questions.  I got to know a little about them and we went on our way to take our kids back to our classes.  After watching the kids and while I was leaving, Person E and I walked out and she started to talk to me and she mentioned on going to a Bible study that evening that she never went to before and we realized it was the same one, so to me that was confirmation that I should go.  I knew someone who was going to be there and also it was her first time too, so then I got excited and I really enjoyed getting to know her too because she took the time to talk to me even when she had somewhere to be.  

That night it was time to go to Bible Study and I knew Person E was going to be there and we met outside and walked in.  Person C was also outside and so we all walked into the house.  Then I see person A and person B in there and said Hi.  While I was sitting there and after I met everyone Person D walked in.  All these people talked to me in about a 24 hour time span and they were all there.  They all took the initiative, but yet, all didn't know that I was invited to that Study except for Person E.  I can see Gods hand at work in this and I never would of known how God orchestrated it if I never went to the Bible Study.  I don't think it just happened or it was a coincidence, I know because I keep walking out in faith that God is showing me how Sovereign he is and how He is answering my prayers.

I am very thankful and honored that God led me to this church and has placed all these great people in my  life.  I love my church and that most of the people that go there are about my age group and we are all walking this same but different paths of lives.  I love the fact that I learned that I don't need to hear God in every single thing.  I guess I had a fear of walking down the wrong path or getting off course and I guess I self-doubted.  Once I let go and trusted God, I can see His hand in it.  I'm starting to realize I might be a slow learner, haha!  We are all on this journey of life and we are all walking different steps at a different speed, but the question is if our purpose is if we are walking the path that God has for us and if we are walking with Him and in His will?  I know I was doing NO ONE any favors, except maybe the enemy, by me sitting on the side lines not doing anything, waiting on God. 
I know that if we are walking with God and we start to get of track He will let us know.   

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