I have a cold. It came super fast and I didn't even know anything was going around. One day a girl at work got sick, second day another girl got sick and the third day 2 of us girls got sick. I thought the other girls were having allergies and I don't suffer that, so I didn't think anything of it.
I have been on this different eating plan in which I will talk about in a blog soon, but I had to strip a lot of foods out that help the immune system.
I realized that my immune system was weakened and so I wanted my body to naturally fight this cold without any medicine. I know there are a lot of people out there that say God made medicine and all that, but I also believe He made our body to naturally strengthen and fight these viruses naturally with natural type foods and ways. I am not totally anti-medicine. I believe if every persons situation and the way their body is made, whether they have allergies or asthma or lung issues or whatever, that they may need more attention, but for some of us we don't need to just run to the store and fill our bodies with man made medicine when our bodies can naturally just fight it off.
In fact I have realized that my colds are half the time and not as bad when I drink plenty of Vitamin C when I'm sick and drink fluids and eat soup and drink
hot tea to break up the congestion. I remember being more miserable, being drugged up and it prolonged then when I allow my body to fight how its made it too.
I know there are those oils out there too that has helped with sickness for a lot of people. I also take cough drops to help with the sore throat and my cough.
I just wanted to share this short little blog on what God has laid on my heart. Every person is different and struggle differently and have different opinions.
Your last statement is on point. And I think many times we forget that or that some don't realize that. I haven't had a cold in months but when I do, i try to use vitamin C and let my body do the rest as I hate taking medicine.