Friday, October 21, 2016

The enemy and Gods blessings

I've talked to a few friends and family members lately and they have been having negative thoughts.  One person had thoughts that maybe atheist knew more than Christians, one person had thoughts of not being good enough, and one person thought that living outside of Gods will, just might be what they want.

I'm not good with change.  This year, even before my grandpa passed, a lot of change happened.  I had to make some adult decisions that would affect me for years, I had to make some decisions of uprooting my little comfort bubble and I also had to make some changes with my house.  I start to self doubt what I want and whats right and what God is calling me to do.  I know in my heart that every decision that I had to make this year, was for this moment.  This moment in which I am here, right now, me, just me and God and I feel blessed.  Because of these changes and now a BIG change in not having my grandpas support, prayers or just advice to talk too or also the income, I have been self doubting everything.  Since my grandpas passing I have had to change ALOT of things, and call lots of people and making changes for my future.  That's all fine and dandy, because I have had a lot of support and encouragement and advice, but its MY life that is changing.  I'm not saying its for the bad, but because of all this change and decisions all at once, I can feel the enemy after me.

That's what this blog post is about.....The enemy!  Everytime something bad or hard comes in our life approaches us, we always seem to feel like its not fair or even with me, I think that I must of done something wrong.  I hate how the enemy knows our weaknesses and our insecurities.

With me, I get insecure about my weight, because it fluctuates and then I get disappointed in myself when I gain weight and then therefore don't feel worthy enough.  I also can be a perfectionist and when something bad happens, I feel like I did something wrong and I'm probably being punished.

My friend, when the enemy is after her, she goes inward and stays away from people and she also gets thoughts about not feeling good enough or never making the right decisions. 

As Ive got older, Ive realized that the enemy, especially now because I feel like he knows his time is running out, is out on a mission to just get as many people on his side and people to turn from God and believe his lies.  I look at our presidential candidates and see exactly just that.  I believe as Christians we need to join together and share our thoughts and feelings with each other, because I think we would be surprised how how similar they may be and recognize the enemies lies and then pray for each other.

I work in a place where I feel like the enemy roams around extra.  I can hear it in peoples conversations, the way they talk and the way they live their life.  I knew walking in, what I was possibly going to have to deal with, but I am proud to say that I walked in and people know where I stand and my beliefs.  I'm not perfect, I sometimes say a cuss word, I have had a past of falling of the straight and narrow, but I don't let that define me.  Theres no one walking this earth who hasn't made mistakes, but the enemy sure does like to throw it back in your face. 

Whomever decides to read this, I'm sure its a little weird.  I woke up with anxiety this morning in which I know isn't from the Lord, and Ive been spending time with God this morning trying to get peace.  Writing makes me feel good and I had some times and so I wanted to jot down these thoughts.  I just want people to know that when you get thoughts of your not good enough, its never going to get better, your too ugly, your too fat, your too skinny, your a loser, your screwed up too many times, etc. that its a lie, because there is a Father in Heaven who LOVES YOU just who you are RIGHT NOW!!!  I know it seems hard to believe if no one has ever told you, but its true.  I don't have a dad hear on earth, but I tell you, my Father in Heaven sure has spoilt me on this earth and I know its because he loves me and I know its because he wants to give me blessings, just like he does you! 

When a child does something wrong, you don't reward them when gifts or games or whatever they like.  You may not give them something, or may discipline them.  When your child makes good grades or does something wonderful, you tend to want to reward them or go buy them something they want and I feel like God is just like that, but even BETTER!  He knows what we need and what our hearts desires are way more then even we do and so if we don't get something we asked for, then just trust that God knows we don't need it, or don't need it now OR may have something even better then we ever even thought of.  Its trust and faith and those arnt easy to come by sometimes. 

I got to get ready for the day and I'm not going to proof read this, this is more like a diary entry to me, but I hope it does touch or help someone, or even remind someone!

I do love you guys and I will pray for this blog that the words I say are what God is wanting me to share.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Its been awhile

Since I last wrote on here, a lot has changed.  I originally was going to write a post on how my 30th year was probably the best year I have ever lived, but right after my 31st birthday, just less than a week ago, my world got flipped upside down.

As I'm grieving, I just am home and want to write.  I used to love writing and found enjoyment on sharing my ups and downs and my lessons and blessings to others.  In this post, I'm going to write my past year.

I met a guy last August whom I fell in love with and we made it official in October.  In our relationship, it took me awhile to finally get used to each other, because we are both straight forward people and hard headed, but we have grown and respected each other a lot and I am so grateful. 

When I turned thirty, I got to ride in my first plane and then jumped out of it.  It was such a dream of mine and I was so excited.  I never got nervous, but enjoyed falling to the earth.  We also went to the Reunion Tower in Dallas, a Rangers game and also the State Fair.  It was a very good birthday.

Another change that I had this past year was, I got another job.  I'm still in law enforcement, but its way better pay and better insurance.  God opened up that door and I didn't want to walk through it, but I trusted Him and I am so glad I did, because I know I would be way far off right now.  While I'm on this topic, I want to share that when this job was brought to my attention, I ignored it.  I felt the Holy Spirit remind me of it and I just KNEW I needed to apply.  The truth is, I applied for a different position, and still got this job that I have now, so I knew it was a God thing. 

Looking back, I don't remember my thoughts and what made me get up and go, but I applied to refinance my home in my name.  I had been working on it for over a year, not applying for anything, not using any credit cards to build up my credit and I walked in one day and applied and that too changed my world. 

With refinancing my home, God directed me to something that I have been wanting/needing for awhile now and that's a new car.  God allowed me to get the dream vehicle I always wanted, and more.  It has way more features than I originally wanted, but I am so thankful and feel so blessed to finally have it. 

On top of even all of that, God has allowed me to pay off all my credit card debt.  I do have a couple of credit cards with 0% interest, but that's okay, I am slowly working on those.

I felt in my heart that I see my grandpa getting older and his sisters mind was slowly depleting, I knew it was important to gather them together.  We made a family of 6 trip to the beach this summer so they could spend some time together and go over memories and play dominoes.  I wanted my grandpa to feel sand in his toes and also get in the beach.  My job was good to me to have off so I could even though I was still new and I will always remember those memories. 

Five days after I turned 31, my grandpa went to go be with the Lord.  He went how he wanted to go, which was asleep and no pain.  He did have health problems suddenly that did lead him to the hospital that night and maybe one day I may write about that, but right now all I want to say is, he is not longer here, but running on the streets of gold in heaven with his wife and family.  I have to say, I'm a little jealous, because he left me here with Clinton and Trump (lol, but for real, he did). 

We just had his funeral yesterday and it was a good, sweet little funeral.  There wernt a lot of people there, but if you think about it, its kind of a blessing, because that means he outlived his friends.  I have been really numb, happy, and sad, and jealous and scared about my future.  I know I shouldn't be scared, but I have no parents left and I just know one day when I get married or have children or even next month with Holidays coming up, I don't know how I'm going to feel. 

I know I'm strong, I know God has a plan for me and I know that He is writing my story.  God knew that on October 9th, grandpa was going to go Home and I know that God loves me so much that throughout this amazing year He has opened up doors and given me strength through all of the fears of financial changes, that at the end of the day, today, I would be okay!  Even though I don't have any parents left, MY GOD is still MY FATHER and I am still His daughter and I am trying to hold on to faith and His love that I will always be taken care of.  God has used people to help bless me and take care of me and I don't want to forget that.

I don't want this blog to be any bragging rights or anything like that, because I am very blessed and very thankful for what God has loaned me this life.  I will miss grandpa very much and because of that man, I am the woman I am today.  I couldn't of asked for a better mom or grandpa and I am so happy that God blessed with me God fearing parents.

It feels so good to blog.......I know I might be rusty or all over the place, but whomever does read this, I hope it somehow touches you and reminds you that God loves you and WILL take care of you.

Here's a link to his memorial. Bubba Fincher

One thing that EVERYONE has told me that they remember about my grandpa is......HIS SMILE!!! He was always smiling and wanting people to be happy.......that makes me happy!!!

Here's an example of what my year was like and I do hope that I can pick blogging back up and maybe share more pictures of this past year and what's going on with me currently.  I hope you enjoyed!!