Thursday, March 12, 2015

#10 Kidney Cancer awareness

March is Kidney Cancer Awareness month.  In case you don't know this about me, at the age of 19 I was diagnosed with Kidney cancer. I had a tumor on my right kidney and they went in and removed it.  I was very blessed in not having to take chemo or radiation and since then it has changed my life and the way I view life.

If you are a fan of Christian music, Mark Hall from Casting Crowns was recently this past week diagnosed with the exact same thing as me and I believe he had surgery yesterday. 

Today, March 12th is actually wear Orange for World Kidney Day.

Since I have had my kidney removed and I have one functioning kidney, I value and think that my kidney is very precious.  When you face any terminal type of ill

ness, it truly changes everything about you. 

Now that I am walking closer to the Lord, the way I eat and the way I live is something that is very important to me more now.  God has shown me what type of ingredients and chemicals that most of our foods have in them.  Our bodies are not made to break these down or to consume.  I can see why we have so many health issues.  When I look at food, I honestly look at it and think, is this man made or did God make this?  Even God given foods like fruits and vegetables have chemicals on them.

This week in my weekly Healthy Living advice is to look more at the ingrediants in your foods.  What I was always told, is "If you cant pronounce it, you don't eat it".  Also look to see how many ingreadiants are in there.  Do they really need 47 ingrediants to make a cookie?  Think about it!

When or if you start to eat clean, give yourself 30 days.  You will start to realize and to notice in how you feel and that alone is addicting.  When I get in my vacation lazy weeks, I start to feel like CRAP and I get excited to go back on eating clean. 

This will always be a struggle of mine, but I know I have the drive to keep the body and temple God has given me, healthy as much as I can.

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