Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dear Future Husband

My dearest Future Husband,                                                                                                    3-28-15

I wanted to write you just to let you know that I already love you!! I love you because God has laid you on my heart and has been preparing me to be the godly wife that you need and who God wants me to be.  He has given me a season and has molded me into a strong, confident woman in Christ who knows her worth in Him.  I never really was truly confident in myself growing up and have had some rough relationships, because I was trying to find my worth in them instead.  I am very thankful to our Heavenly Father that He wanted my attention and my love so much that He put this burning desire in my heart to have Him first and foremost.  I know this world can distract us so easily and we can stray away when everything is going good, but even through the good I want Him to be our focus.

I also wanted to let you know that I pray for you throughout the day.  At times when I stop and enjoy the beautiful day, I wonder what your doing and if you are enjoying the beautiful day too!  I wonder sometimes if I already know you or how we may meet.  I pray that you are being molded into the man that I need and that you are obeying and following Christ.  I pray that you are active in a church and that you seek God everyday and His will for you.  I know one day you will be my best friend and together we will pray and lift everything up to God.  I want every choice and big life decisions to be in prayer as we walk in our journey together.  I want to be your help mate and when you are weak, I will be strong.  Just know that I will continue to pray for you till the day we meet,  then to say our vows together, and till the day one of us is called home to be with our Lord.  

I know this life wont be the easiest.  I know the odds are against us and the enemy will attack us the closer we walk with the Lord, but I know both of us will know that the battle has already been won.  I know you will be a very strong godly man who will provide and who I can submit too.  I know there will be times that we will let each other down for whatever reason, but I also want us to never go to bed angry with each other.

My hearts desire is for us to not be put in a situation before our wedding night.  God has really even laid on my heart to possibly court, rather than date.  I would like the old-fashion proper way of us handling our relationship, before we become one.  I pray for your family, for when our families become together that they will both love each other.  I ask God to prepare me for you, that I can and will be the woman you desire and need in this life and likewise with you for me.  I think of our love story all the time and how its going to be written.  

I want our household to be a household filled with Bible stories and prayer time.  I want us to get in the Bible together and learn.  I want us to be involved in a church or have our own form of ministry if that is Gods will.  I want you to know that you are worth the wait.  I pray that you are seeking God and waiting on me too.  I would love nothing more for you to seek Christ and Christ shows you me.  I am going to sit back and wait and allow you to pursue me.  I will continue to pray for you each day and your walk.  I pray if there is anything you struggle with or is tempted by that you are strong enough to withstand it.  I also pray if there is anything holding you down or any chains that they will be broken in Jesus name.  I pray if you are broken from any life's trials and storms that God touches you and comforts you.  I know you wont be perfect, and I know that I'm not, but I know we will be perfect for each other.  

I don't believe that there are so many people on this earth that could possibly be our mate.  I believe in one God and my God has told me that there is one person He has for me and that is you.  I will wait for you!!!  I know we will be Christ seekers and will be praying for each other and God will bring us together when He sees that we are both ready.  I'm not going to be looking and I pray you don't look, but listen to God.  Our faith and trust in God will bring each other together.

I'm curious what kind of gifts and talents God has given you.  I'm pretty sure they are the opposite of mine and I think its cute.  I want God to be able to use us to help others lead them to Christ as much as He can.  My heart burns to have a form of ministry.  I feel as if I can touch so many women and young girls lives.  I pray that you will be supportive and together we can grow a ministry of some sort what God calls us to do.

I want to have a warm household for our family, where when people come in our home, you can feel love and you can feel Christ.  I want our children to watch Veggie Tales and sing Christian music.  I know when we meet we will talk about all of these things, and I know you will have some great ideas to what you would like for us and our family.

We will be a team, 2 people joined together as 1.  I know there arnt many people out there that have the same morals and values or even the desire that I'm listing, they might even sound boring to alot of people, but I know these are the desires God has placed in my heart and so therefore I know there is a man (you) that exist for my life. I want to be that diamond in the rocks that God touches you and shows you me sparkling.  All this might sound cheesy, but I smile because I like cheesy!

I want to grow old with you.  I want to hold your hand and grab your arm when standing somewhere.   I will be there when you need me.  I cant wait to lay next to you everynight as we talk about our day and our dreams and what God is doing in our life.  I want us to pray over our finances that we will be debt free and can help others financially.  I want us to tithe.  I want us to be a healthy family.  I want us to go on trips and make memories, even if its camping out in the back  yard with the kids!  I know when we get married and life is thrown at us, we may forget to stop and enjoy the blessings, but I want us to always have childlike fun!  I want us and our children to play and go on rollercoasters and explore the world!  I want our children to learn Gods creation with catching fire flys in a jar and going fishing and seeing wild animals roam the lands.  

Our life is going to be so short on this earth and I cant wait to share memories with you and build our lives together.  I love you already and I know this desire God has put in my heart is from God himself and not just something that I want.  He has been preparing me for you and I know Hes preparing you for me.  I pray for you and I wish you happiness right here, right now in your life as we arnt together.  One day, as God is writing our love story right now we will look back and see the pieces that God is placing together.  Until then my love, I am missing you and waiting on you!  I am allowing God to work in me to become the wife and mother to your children that you need and desire and that will build His kingdom.  

your future wife
Joy Rachel

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