Sunday, March 1, 2015

Stepping out in faith.... Part 1

I wrote this weeks ago and I want to share it all put together.  I write my blogs a lot away from home and then never get around to publishing them. Don't forget to read part 2.

I've sat back for awhile now and kept asking God questions and I would never hear an answer.  I knew that God was waiting or needing me to do something, so I kn
ew it might not be instant.  I finally asked a loved one of mine to pray for a certain amount of time for the answer too and they never heard anything from God either.  The same day that I accepted that I might not hear an answer or if ever, is when my whole world started to make sense.  

I was reminded of Job in the Bible when he asked God over and over in prayer and God never answered him.  Finally, Job gave up and trusted God and that's when his blessings started to happen.  When I finally gave up and started reading the Bible directly, then God started to speak me.  

I realized I have been living for God, but not LIVING for God.  I had it all wrong.  Instead of waiting on God to guide me, I was waiting on God to tell me what to do.  I heard a few sermons and a tug in my heart that I need to take the step out in faith and allow God to direct me.  I have taken a step and I already feel excited about life!  I want to keep stepping and keep stepping and I know God will keep opening up the doors.  I blogged a month or so ago about doors being shut and I do believe that was from God, as I have peace about them all, but the reason alot of doors haven't been opened is because of me.  

Don't get me wrong, I know God knew I needed to get to this place.  We are all different, we all have our difficulties in overcoming or even learning and all in different time spans.  I have learned so much over this past year and wouldn't change anything.  Gods been gracious to me and has given me the time and resources to learn and because of that I appreciate it so much more.  Also, because of me learning and in Gods word so much the enemy is after me too, so its a wave of emotions as I begin to FULLY do Gods work.

I just love Christ and what He has done for me and is doing even up to this moment in me typing this.  He has never left me or forsaken me even when people on this earth has.  There is no greater love than the man who has given up His life for me so that I may live with Him for eternity.  I want to share that with anyone and everyone who wants to hear or even for the people who might not want to hear.  I want to be able to show who Christ is through me, through my words and my actions.  I know the enemy wants me to be quiet and take what I want and not share it and I have fallen for that trap the past few months, but I cant anymore.  Even if one person reads my blogs and it encourages them in some way to either grow closer to God or to know Christ or to even take that step of faith like what this blog is about then I did my purpose.  We just never know when we talk to someone or when someone is watching us what kind of seed we are planting in their lives.  

I never want anyone to see me or think I have it all together, because hunny.....I DO NOT!!!!  I want to share all the good God has done for me and all the bad I have done.  I want to share what I have learned or the hard lesson I endured, because I know someone out there is or will go through it too.  This is my gift....this is my purpose is to share my life, my testimony and to help and encourage others out there.  I don't want anyone on this earth to feel alone or abandoned, because I have felt that alot of times in my life, but MY HEAVENLY FATHER was always there.  He never left and most of the time He didn't seem like enough for me, I always thought I needed a humans touch or someone to talk too, but GOD has been showing me that He is always there and wants me to run to Him.  I think in a way that's why alot that has happened this past year, has happened to me.  

This is what I prayed for, this is what I needed to endure and will endure to be a woman who fears the Lord and wants to honor Him.  You start to really see whats important, who's important and what your purpose on this earth really is about.  Its time I step up and put my walking shoes on and take the step of faith in help building the kingdom of God.

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