Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spending time with my gramps on 4-15-15

 Today was such a beautiful day and it was a day that I didn't have a lot to do, so I spent some time outside enjoying the weather and spending time with my grandpa.  He is always at home and dosent get out a lot and my dog needs a friend and she likes to get out too, so we went around town with a bag of bread and fed some birds, ducks, and some gophers.  I love spending time with my grandpa and I wish he could move around better, but hes 85 and I am just thankful and blessed that he is still walking and here with me on this earth!!!

 I love him, he is so darn cute!!! He is the best man that I have ever met and such a godly man.  He still teaches his Sunday school class at his church!

creeeeeeepy pic

 she was the QUEEN OF THE WORLD!!!
................then it was time to go

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