Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Easter 2015

 Easter this year, I HAD ZERO PLANS!!!!  Because God is so good, He allowed my great aunt, my grandpas sister to come down and visit and she even went to church with Him.  Another family member brought over lunch and we got to eat and visit.  I was so SO tired!!!!!  Sundays are my Wednesdays and it was such a busy week, and I didn't get to take a nap, but that's okay!!!

 My grandpa is cheesing!!!! :)

 I went to church and had a great time.  I went to the first service, because they needed volunteers for the second service in the nursery, so I got to watch me some babies!!!  I wish I just had more energy on Sunday, but God lets me take a nap and then I'm good for the rest of the night!!

 These are my delusional pictures of me.  I wanted to remember me in some pictures that day, so this is what you get!!!

 Easter deco!!!

 I went to dollar tree and got some plastic Easter eggs and some wire and they have holes in them already when you buy them, so I just fed them thru and used it as a garland to hang!

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