Wednesday, January 7, 2015

When I became a woman

When I became a woman, I put away childish things,
but before I became a woman I didn't fit the shoes of a King.
When I became a woman, I learned to put God first,
instead of putting man and things of this earth.
When I became a woman, I finally loved myself,
I've realized my value, my beauty and my self worth.
When I became a woman, people rolled their eyes at me speaking about Jesus,
to make their lives straight and who can heal their broken pieces.
When I became a woman, I had to learn to be content with Jesus alone,
not to search, seek, or place things before the One on the throne.
When I became a woman, I had to be stripped of everything I knew,
I had to face lies, deception, deep hurts, open wounds and everything that was untrue.
When I became a woman, I realized I have no control,
to let go, trust God is what makes us truly whole.
When I became a woman, I used to have my own set of plans,
to get married, have children, but God said, "Not Yet".
When I became a woman, I learned to give and trust God that He will provide,
before I was selfish, scared and thought what was mine, was mine.
When I became a woman, I wanted to learn more about Gods divine plan for
my life,
I started to read the Bible, books, listen to sermons and to walk right.
When I became a woman, my love for going to church grew,
I enjoyed going every Sunday, sitting on the back pew.
When I became a woman, I wanted my life to have a purpose,
I wanted to leave this world knowing that it wasn't worthless.
When I became a woman, I picked up my Cross and put down my shame,
My sins were forgiven in Jesus Name.

-Joy Rachel-


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