Sunday, January 4, 2015

Twilight Saga......Not the blog post that you think!!!

Before I begin on what I want to talk about, I need to put some things out there that I'm sure you will be thinking as you begin to read what I write.
As you know the title of this blog is "Twilight Saga", so you are correct that its about the movies.  Now I love the movies, I own all of them, its a cute story line and I'm a sucker for romantic style movies.  This is not by any means of me bashing the movie or degrading it any way.  This really isn't even about a "religious" belief, but just a view on how I saw it through a different pair of eyes the past 2 days.  Yes, I still will watch the movies. No, I don't think there is anything wrong with them.  Now to begin!! :)
So most of you know who read my blog, know that God has been doing His work in me lately.  The past month or so, God has been really opening my eyes up to the way I view man and I wrote a blog on idolatry.  
While watching the first movie of the Saga series, we see Bella fall in love with Edward.  It was a passionate, yet weird attraction that they find that they couldn't live without each other.  The typical "Awww, how sweet, I want that to happen to me", high school girl giddy emotion.  So while watching the second movie, New Moon (the series was on for the weekend, so I decided to DVR them and watch it, even though I own them, cause I'm weird like that) we see Edward break  up with Bella.  We see Bella go into this deep depression and she didn't know how to go on.  She lost who she was and didn't care about life.  Her identity was in who?  Edward!!!  I TOTALLY have been where she was at.  Most of us have experienced a heartbreak or two in our lives and it stinks, but we somehow get the strength to get up and move forward.  

As I sat there watching her, I noticed what most non-believers and I can honestly say BELIEVERS do.  She put her trust in MAN so much that when he left, her world fell apart.  THEN, after some time, to pass the hurt and heartache she reaches out to who???  Another man, Jacob!  Yet, that man couldn't fulfill or heal her hurt and pain.  She even admits that she feels bad for using him. It was only temporary like everything on this earth is.  She really didn't even know who she was without Edward.  I really understand loving someone so much that you don't know how you could live without them, but the truth of it all is, you can!!!  

So my question would be this.  What if we changed the story a bit and added God in there?  What if we put Bella in a church surrounded by a church group and women her age where she had a shoulder to cry on and a Christ centered atmosphere?  What if Bella simply ran to God after this heartbreak?  What if God was all she needed? I'm not saying her heartbreak would of been easier, but her dependency of happiness in a man wouldn't be there.  *Raising my hand*  I'm guilty of doing this, not once, not even twice, but three times.  FINALLY I understood and God has been showing me that I will be let down every time if I depend on man or earthly things to make me happy.  Its not saying that us Bellas or even us Jacobs will be hurt, let down or disappointed in a human, but that when we put our trust in the ONE and ONLY person who can FULLY satisfy us, we will have this peace, this comfort in knowing that everything will be okay.  We will know that God is the creator and He wants our attention, our love, our trust in Him. 

I just wanted to be short and sweet with this blog post, something that was really laid on my heart as I sat there and watched her.  If you seen the movies you know how it all ends, but one thing that is kinda disturbing if you look at it from a Biblical point of view, is that she is willing to die whether or not she knew she would go to Hell for this person.  They mention a few times throughout the Saga, that all the vampires are soul-less and they will all go to Hell.  She was willing to go to Hell, (not knowing for sure or not) for Edward.  That's a big no no!!!  

With me personally, I will not change my religious views, my Biblical doctrine for any man.  I will not talk down on any other belief, but will stand firm for what I believe in.  I don't even like the word "religion" to be honest, because that's not what Jesus is about.  There is only one way to the Father and that's through Jesus Christ, accepting Him in your heart, believing that He died and was raised again for your sins.  I would love to encourage or help anyone who is interested in Salvation and what My God can do for you.  He can turn any hurt, pain, suffering, financial troubles, health problems, struggles, battles, addictions or whatever you may be facing and turn in into a beautiful testimony and pull you out of your situation.  

I'm going to leave with this note.....Every single thing on this earth will pass away.  Nothing will be here forever, except Gods word (Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away).  Your husband, wife, parents, children, house, car, job, health will all be gone one day, so I would like for you to look at what or who you put your trust in?  Who or what holds your true happiness, your true identity?  If you still are searching for any of those things to make you happy or to satisfy you, I can tell you who the one and only person should have it and that's GOD, Alpha and Omega, The beginning and the End, I AM!

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