Monday, August 25, 2014

Spiritual Warefare

Lately, I feel like I got to the end of my rope.  I didn't understand where I was going or what God was doing in my life.  I was just ready for something new and something different.  One day before work, I had about 15 minutes and so I got on Youtube and started watching a Joyce Meyers video.  To be honest, I cant even remember what it was about, but within the first 5 minutes, she said she would recommend everyone read at least one good book on Spiritual Warefare.  Well, maybe that's what the video was about. ha!  Anyways, I don't know what happened to me, but that's what I did.  I went straight online and found a book for sale on Spiritual Warfare by Derek Prince for $3.00 with free shipping and handling.  I ordered it and couldn't wait for it to come in the mail.  It came a few days later and I started reading it and got half way done.  I was trying to tell my grandpa about it and he read 15 chapters straight and my grandpa don't read books, just the Bible.  So while getting ready one day, I googled Spiritual Warefare in Youtube and came across John Paul Jackson.  He started talking and it was the exact same thing the book said.  I got up and went to the living room where my grandpa was reading the book and asked who the author was, and they wernt the same people.  That grabbed my attention.

My heart started opening up and the desire to learn about all this started seeping through my veins.  Ive noticed some people around whom I care about deeply are struggling.  I, myself this past week was struggling.  I knew I was close to God and was doing His will, but at the same time, was very bitter and sad and even having suicide thoughts.  I knew they wernt from me and so that's why I seeked out to try and figure out what I need to do, since this was a spiritual battle within me.

God has given me this desire to learn and Hes opening my eyes to things that I never even thought about before, that I need to know to pray right and live right.

Here's part of the book I'm reading, it is talking about putting on the armor of God:

When we go out against Satan, if we begin to cause him any trouble, you can be sure he will counterattack.  First, he may counterattack our minds, our hearts, our bodies, or our finances, so we need to have a shield that covers us.  He will attack any area he can reach.  If he cannot attack us, he will attack those closest to us.

When I read that, I understood.  I have been doing so good, of course I'm human and struggle with something, whether it be working alot or feeling lonely or just having a bad day, but now my friends around me have been distant and going through their own struggles.  Could the devil not be getting to me, so he went to my friends and pull them away, so then in turn I will feel lonely? What alot of people don't know about me is that I don't have family like the majority of people on this earth.  I don't have a mother or a father, sister or brothers, or even a close family that live nearby.  I do have my grandpa and that's it, other than my friends who I consider my family.  I do wish I had a close family, so I wouldn't have to bug my friends so much, but that's not the plans God has for me, maybe one day when I'm married.

The book then says in a different chapter talking about when the devil was trying to tempt Jesus on the mount:
Second, the basis of every temptation against Jesus was a temptation to doubt.  Every time Satan began with the word "if," he called something into doubt.  Jesus used the words, "It is is written.....It is also written".  We must know scripture thoroughly and we must know how to apply Scripture if we are going to be able to handle the Devil.  We must be careful of people who misapply Scripture and try to tempt us to do the wrong thing.  It is significant that the sword of the Spirit is not the Bible on the bookshelf or on the nightstand.  That does not scare the Devil.  But when you take the Scripture in your mouth and quote it directly, then it becomes the sword of the Spirit.  We must take the Sword.  The Holy Spirit will not do that for us, but when we take the sword in faith, then the Holy Spirit gives us the power and the wisdom to use it.

If you don't know, the above paragraph keeps saying Sword.  The sword is part of the armor of God and its the Word of God (Bible) Ephesians 6:17.  

As I have been studying lately in books and watching sermons, I keep my heart on guard if something sounds fishy or something that maybe doesn't make sense, I will do my research to see if I'm reading something false or accurate.  As a Christian, we need to know the truth and what the Bible says. There will be times when someone comes up to you and wants to know Christ and its our duty to know or show them.  There will be times when someone will challenge you and we should know the truth.  I'm not saying we should know everything and where its all at, but we should know whats true for the most part and whats not.  I can sit here and say I don't know the whole Bible or each and every story, but I know alot to where I may be skeptical on something if its too far from truth.

I love this fire God has for me to learn.  I carry a book around everywhere I go, constantly reading and learning His word and bettering myself.  I'm not quite sure what God is preparing me for or if this is just something I, as a Christian needs to learn and do.  Back about 5 months ago I prayed for God to mold me and as a good Christian godly wife, I feel this is part of it.  I need to be able to teach my children and help my husband when times get hard for them spiritually.  I need to learn to pray right and have a strong foundation.

I mentioned in an earlier post where I felt like God wanted me to teach a Sunday school class or some form of people.  This could also be a part of it.  God is working in my life and I'm allowing Him to do whatever it takes for me to get to where He wants me to go.  Let me tell you when I say it can be challenging at times.  I get discouraged, I get sad, I get lonely, I feel like giving up, but God picks me up, brushes me off and gives me more strength to keep going.  

I do pray for anyone who may be going through a Spiritual battle right now.  The truth of the matter is, its real and it happens!  God gives us tools and an armor to wear when times like this happen.

Ephesians 6:11-12
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

BAM!  It talks about our battle is against the dark world, evil, Satan and his posse.  Alot of the battle is in our mind, the thoughts, the doubts, the struggles, the insecurities.  Its up to you to learn and to understand and see when the enemy is whispering those sweet nothings in your ear and telling you your not worth anything and your never going to mount to nothing.  Just know our God is a loving God who loves and cares about us and wants to give us our hearts desires, the desires He has put there.

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