Saturday, August 16, 2014


Anytime in your life, have you felt Chosen from God?  Like there was a greater purpose for you?  

My whole life, I have always felt like I was made for a specific reason, that this life had great meaning.  I havent lived a perfect life, but most of the time I really have tried to do whats right.  I always wanted to please God and be His best.  Since God has been stripping me of all my faults, my eyes have been opened up, that this whole time I was really blinded.  Never in my life, have I ever felt this closest to God, in fact with me not hearing Him, has even made this time alot peaceful, because instead of hearing Him, I feel Him and I know Im doing what Im supposed too.

I got a new book, called "Stripped", by Lina Abujamra and I cant put it down.  She breaks down all the reasons why God will allow you to go through pain, heartbreak, loss of everything, for God to strip you so you turn to Him.  At this point in my life, I am soley relying on God and I giggle writing it, because I just wrote it all wrong.  "At this point in my life", isnt that sad?  The truth is, I want it to be from now till forever.  I cant rely and trust man, with everything I need to trust God.  I know personally, I always put the men in my life above God.  I dont plan on it to happen, but somehow over time it happens and I pray for God to work with me with that. I never want to do that again, that is my weakness, my failure.  I can see why God would remove these men in my life, because our God is a jealous God and I know He will strip away anything that comes before Him.

I cant sit here and claim that I know anyone elses hearts and their walk with God, because thats not for me to know.  I do look around at some Christians and wonder why some people had it harder than others.  I do wonder what Gods purpose if for them in their lives.  I know if you look at almost any story in the Bible, they were stripped in order to see God the way He wanted them too.  Lina uses the story of Samson and how his pride got the best of him.  It had to take cutting his hair for his "ego" to be stripped.  I ask myself, what is it in my life that is causing a roadblock from God?  Im pretty sure, the past 5 months or so God has been stripping me a layer at a time like an onion.  

I can look back at my life and see how some things didnt go to plan, so that God could get me to where I am right now.  He has put people in my life and taken them away.  I have seen doors open and seen doors shut as Im sure all of us have.  So my question is to you, Why do you think those people came and gone and doors have been opened and closed in your life?  What is going possibly showing you?

I think sometimes we need to look back and see how God works.  Let me share a little story.

The other day my friend and I walked up Mt. Scott.  Mt. Scott is a farely small mountain in Oklahoma, roughly 3-4 miles up in driving distance.  We walked up the mountain and back down.  My friend dosent do too well with heat, so about half way up I gave her a bottle of mine t
No matter where we are, God will always provide!
o drink and cool off.   A little bit later she learned she ran out of water.  I was starting to get limited on water, so I gave her another one and asked her to reserve it, because we still needed to go down.  I didnt know this, but she prayed for water, because she told me later she got scared.  Now we are on a mountain, a little over half way up, no one around, no store, no waterhose, nothing!  As we walked farther there was a water bottle glistening in the sun on the ledge standing up.  I said, "I think theres a bottle of water sitting there".  Sure enough there was an UN-opened bottle of water waiting for her.  The odds are slim of that happening, but either if someone left it, or if it was sent from God himself, God still provided in times when it seemed hopeless.

Now that is my God right there!!!  Someone who will provide, whom I can lean upon, who I can trust to take care of my needs.  I can see God working in that and to me it was a HUGE reminder of what God can do in my life with ANYTHING!

Have you ever thought about what Jesus went through for us?  How much do you ask God for something in your life?  How many times do you get mad when something didnt go your way and you blame God?  :raises hand:  Im guilty and Im ashamed.  God gave His Son to die on the cross for me and because something so little didnt go my way or someone stayed to be with me, I get upset.  I know Im human and its in my genes to get upset, but at the end of my life, what will be most important?  

I hope my walk with God, as close as it is right now, in fact the closest Ive ever been, never goes away.  No matter if I get married one day or have children, my number one relationship should and needs to be God.  Maybe this time was to see my weaknesses, my failures, my issues and to learn to walk with God and depend on Him and only Him, in a way where Im being trained.  I want to be able to give my all to my future husband, the new and improved me who God has shaped and molded.  I dont know  how many tests I have left before my future spouse walks into my life, but I want to be the best for him and I hope and pray he is becoming the best man in God for me.  I know I have been chosen to do Gods will, whatever that may be and I know I will need a spouse who will support it or more importantly, be involved in the ministry work.  

So here I am, a peeled onion, stinky and fresh that will burn your eyes, because Im burning for the Lord!!!  Please pray and ask God if you have been chosen for something for His plan, or if you too have felt this burning sensation your whole life or most of your life that God has great plans for you, something specific.  Ask God to reveal it to you or to prepare it for you, but beware, because most times, you will be stripped!

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